“Take off” in Werfenweng
Paragliding in winter

Detailed information on the wind and weather at Bischling can be found here:

To the paragliding portal

To feel as free as a bird

No question about it: paragliding is a very special experience at any time of the year. So it’s all the nicer that in Werfenweng you can also unpack your paraglider in winter, when the Bischofsmütze and Hochkönig are glittering in competition, and fly wonderfully freely. Thanks to the particularly favourable exposure to the sun, we have mostly thermal conditions even in the winter season. The 1,840 metre high Bischling is therefore a popular destination for flying enthusiasts. From December to Easter, the Werfenweng lifts make it easy to get up there.

The Bischling is one of the most popular flying mountains in the whole of Salzburger Land

The Bischling Flying Mountain

The Bischling is considered an absolute hotspot among flying enthusiasts. Not only because it is the best starting point for an unforgettable flying experience next to the impressive limestone walls of the Tennengebirge and because there are almost always perfect wind conditions up there at the launch site at 1,840 metres. But also because you can reach it comfortably by cable car all year round.

Find out more

You can find more information regarding paragliding under bergbahnen-werfenweng.com

Need a jump start? Our local flight experts will give it to you!

Flying School Austriafly

5453 Werfenweng
+43 664 44 20 002


5453 Werfenweng
+43 650 82 63 361