Up and in pursuit of nature!
Hiking & Mountaineering in Werfenweng

Off to the mountains of Werfenweng

Tip: Great rewards await you with the hiking pass!

Find out more

Listen with satisfaction to the sounds of the mountain world.

Sporty, relaxed steps towards the huts of the region. Explore the natural splendour around Werfenweng at your leisure. Hiking and mountaineering have a very special significance in Salzburg’s summer. Because the sweaty ascent, the leisurely hut tour, the eager summit gathering provide an endless feeling of freedom. Big or small, more or less fit – there is something for everyone on our 99 hikeable kilometres.

  • All
  • Beginner tours
  • Family tours
  • Panoramic tours
  • Pleasure tours
  • Summer
  • Summit tours

Your personal hiking pass

Hiking diligence should be rewarded! So, get your hiking pass, go on tour with it and be awarded a bronze, silver or even gold hiking pin!

Available at the Werfenweng Tourist Office

E-LOIS – your personal holiday chauffer

Tired hiking legs? No problem at all. Our E-LOIS – your personal holiday driver – takes you from A to B within Werfenweng at any time. That’s soft mobility the way we like it.

T. +43 664 884 669 48

10 rules of conduct
for dealing with grazing livestock

  1. Avoid contact with grazing animals, do not feed them, keep a safe distance.

  2. Keep calm, do not frighten grazing animals!

  3. Mother cows protect their calves, avoid encounters of mother cows if you have a dog with you.

  4. Always keep dogs under control and on a short lead. If an attack by a grazing animal is foreseeable: immediately let go of the lead!

  5. Do not leave the hiking paths on alpine pastures and meadows!

  6. If grazing animals are blocking the way, pass them with a wide berth!

  7. Leave the grazing area quickly at the first sign of the animals becoming restless or agitated.
  8. Pay attention to fences! If there is a gate, use it, then close it properly and cross the field quickly.

  9. When approaching grazing animals: stay calm, do not turn your back to them, avoid the animals!

  10. Treat the people working here, nature and the animals with respect!